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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Salt Lake City

Dear reader, I wanted an easy fun way to keep in touch with friends and share and exchange some of my travels and experiences. Facebook (the social network) was starting to make me feel a little virtually claustrophobic, I needed a space of my own to breath comfortably and where I could customise my "wall", you know, make it look the way I wanted it to look. So I had the grand idea of creating a blog that my friend, who lives on the other side of the world to me, and I could share. At first I thought of making it a mere means of long distance communication between us, but then I thought to share my and our happenings with you too.
The picture above was taken while I was visiting Salt Lake City, UT in October 2010. Here I am with Sister Hernandez who I worked with when I was an LDS full time missionary. If you ever get the chance to visit the USA or are living in the USA please make time to visit Temple Square in Salt Lake City. It's an amazing place, not only because of what there is to see but what can be felt as you tour the site. One of the spectacular buildings here is the Salt Lake City LDS Temple which took 40 years to build from 1853! Tours are available from 9am-9pm everyday of the week! They last for approximately one hour and there are many to choose from!

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